RailPro > RailPro Specific Help & Discussion

Using LM-3-G to control Sierra sound triggers?


I am installing a LM-3-G to replace an existing Aristo 27 Mhz unit in a a railbus.
I would like to keep the sierra soundcard I have in this unit as Railpro does not have appropriate sound files for this type of unit
Is there a way to use the outputs from the LM-3 to trigger the sounds on the sierra card?
I see there is an "action" setting that would seem to indicate it is for a switch, but what is the common for that connection?

I don't know anything about the Sierra cards as I used Phoenix. On Phoenix, the sound triggers just needed a ground to activate. Railpro LM lighting outputs are a switched ground. SO, if Sierra works the same as Pheonix, you would use a Light, not an action. Actions are built-in functions like Load and Brake.

You may want to include a diode in the line just to protect the LM from any stray voltages on the trigger input.

You could call Don Sweet at RCS of New England and talk with him, he my dealer and I get my RailPro stuff from him, he also does installs, he should know.


Thanks for the info, I hooked it up as suggested and the triggers do work with a ground signal like the Phoenix ones do


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