Author Topic: UC&W RailPro Flashback  (Read 16349 times)


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UC&W RailPro Flashback
« on: December 05, 2020, 12:11:53 AM »
Just last week I took the RailPro plunge, beginning with a single HC-2b, a LM-3, and a LM-3S. Having installed the two modules, I am now starting to play around and try out the various features.

Browsing though this group and some other online RailPro mentions, I noticed Lee Nicholas uses RailPro on his Utah, Colorado & Western layout. This surprised me a little, since I had a chance to operate on his layout for a few short minutes a year and a half ago, and had no recollection of the operating system used. Gradually, my clouded memory cleared enough for me to now remember that RailPro must've been what I used to control the UC&W train I ran around his layout. Maybe that's why my HC-2 didn't seem so weird or different when I first picked it up last week.

Thomas Hillebrant

PS: Lee, if you happen to see this post, thanks again for letting me visit your layout last year!

William Brillinger

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Re: UC&W RailPro Flashback
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2020, 08:09:14 AM »
I've been to Lee's twice now. It's an amazing experience!

If he runs another RailPro Meet, I hope you get a chance to attend. It was great to meet and run trains with some of the regulars on this group out there!
- Bill Brillinger, RPUG Admin

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, owner of Precision Design Co., and RailPro Dealer.


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Re: UC&W RailPro Flashback
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2020, 09:12:58 AM »
I to took the RailPro plunge and received my system from Don of RCS of New England last week. I already have one G scale engine ready for the install and working on a second as we speak, it will be ready for the install in 3-4 days. I need to say here I'm a modeler first and a runner second, so both of my first installs will be in engines that are completely re-done, that is totally detailed and repainted to my RR name, just the way I enjoy the hobby and always have. All my engines are upgraded with LED's and all the old wiring and factory modules are gone, so my new installs with be pretty much plug and play when installing the new RailPro systems. I also have an HOn3 layout in D&RGW NG with is DCC and powered by NCE, this layout will stay NCE, it works just fine for me. I'm spent the last couple of days familiarizing myself with RailPro, doing some sound installs, and watching all the YouTube videos I can find on RailPro installs, plus talking with RailPro (Ring Eng.) about question I had, nice people to deal with. Good Luck to everyone who has RailPro, I think I made good decision with it.



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Re: UC&W RailPro Flashback
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2020, 10:11:22 PM »
Traninman -  Once you get more than one loco set up you are going to love it even more. I put together a consist of two C-19's and a mid-train 45 Ton that took up about half my indoor mainline. Not only did it run wicked smooth even super slowly, but, using big speakers in the tenders and a trail car it sounded just awesome too!!!

I can't wait for Ring to get the steam chuff ironed out. It sounds fantastic, but timing would be much better with a trigger.


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Re: UC&W RailPro Flashback
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2020, 08:42:58 AM »
JRad, I do understand your concern with RailPro's steam sounds, I have two LGB Moguls that are ready to go with RailPro, but will hold off at this time and see if they later come out with other steam sounds for RailPro. I'm mainly diesel at this time so RailPro works well for me as there diesel sounds are very good. I have heard that the cost to have professional sounds recorded is very expensive to have done, so RailPro being a small company, it would be expensive to send a crew to Durango, or other sites in Colorado to record those narrow gauge steam sounds. I guess if I just wanted great steam sounds I would go with AirWire, or another company, but at this time steam engines on my layout are not that important to me. I personally don't think RailPro's steam sounds are that bad, but I would prefere the narrow gauge sounds.


Lee Nicholas

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Re: UC&W RailPro Flashback
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2020, 12:32:37 PM »
This Lee from the UCW.
Tom I'm sorry I don't remember your visit but yes you ran with RP. I converted the railroad over 4 years ago and haven't looked back. I love everything about it.


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Re: UC&W RailPro Flashback
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2020, 09:30:37 PM »
Lee's been helpful to me as I progress with RP, I'd look forward to an op session!