Can either of the Accessory Modules (AM-1 or AM-1S) be used to directly control a servo?
I would like to electrically control a few turnouts on my indoor large scale layout. I've used Aristo motorized switch machines in the past, but the few I have left in-stock seem to have died (bad gears). They might still be available, but they weren't a great design, so I'd like to try something else. Piko makes an electric machine for large scale, but it's pricey.
Several acquaintances in the Large Scale community are using servo motors to move their points using a Tam Valley controller and DCC and/or a manual push button. I'm also aware of the SparkFun controller that simply needs a single pole switch (or switchable output) to activate.
I have heard that the AM can control servos, but it's not covered in the documentation for either module, only standard motor control.
I do have some spare Loco Modules that I could load an accessory program into for experimenting, but it would be nice to have at least a little knowledge of how it should work before I start hooking stuff up. I don't want to let that Magic Smoke out of my LM