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Help needed re: Copying Files to Locos

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I have all the steam sound files, but have no idea how to extract them from RPA other than copying them to the HC.

William Brillinger:
If somebody has the file in RPA, it is possible to use my HC Simulator Switcher to load the sound files into a blank Simulator file and send the Simulator file to the other user. The new user can then use the Simulator switcher to load the files on LM's

INFO on the Simulator Switcher: https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/topic,1096.0.html

William Brillinger:
Also you could call Ring and ask them to put the old heavy steam file back on the server.


--- Quote from: MtRR75 on April 06, 2021, 03:48:34 PM ---Then I tried to copy the file from the HC-2 to the LM-3S (running software ver. 2.30).  The progress bar moved along steadily.  When it was almost to the end, the screen cleared and displayed just this message:  "Can Not Connect".  The HC and the loco tender were less than a foot apart.  The loco has run steadily and reliably on the old Heavy Steam file.

Any ideas what happened -- or how to fix it?

--- End quote ---

Generally that message would means that the LM had lost power hence the HC-2 couldn't see it anymore. Just speculation as I've not seen what error messages are thrown for these two scenarios but it could possibly be that the HC crossed the threshold on where it decides it doesn't have enough battery left to copy files, or that the LM wasn't sending replies back to the HC at that stage of the copy. I can only suggest to try again and make sure the batteries are fully charged.

We all know that there is a "too far away" and the rule is "less than two feet" for copying but I wonder if there's also a "too close" distance that can cause problems? I know with some radio equipment at work there is a too close distance where communication doesn't work properly.

--- Quote from: William Brillinger on April 07, 2021, 07:16:37 AM ---If somebody has the file in RPA, it is possible to use my HC Simulator Switcher to load the sound files into a blank Simulator file and send the Simulator file to the other user....

--- End quote ---

Just a note on that for those that aren't aware, the storage file is 131 Megabytes in size. Even compressed at the highest compression level in something like 7zip your looking around 20 megabytes so it's too big to email, you'd need to use a file sharing service like DropBox or similar to share the storage file.

- Tim

William Brillinger:

--- Quote ---Just a note on that for those that aren't aware, the storage file is 131 Megabytes in size.
--- End quote ---

You are talking about the RPA storage file at 131mb.

The storage files for HC Sims are 32MB
They are reasonably portable.


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