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Sound file transfer issue

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I was up until 12:30 this morning downloading a 567 ULT file. After it concluded, I went to bed. This morning I wanted to transfer the file to my engine, but the only file it found was the regular 567 file.

This was going to go in a GP30 with a LM2S module. Is it possible that the LM2s is not compatible with ULT files? Or have I managed to discombobulate something?

Thank for any assitance, Joe


--- Quote from: Josephbw on April 16, 2021, 09:28:33 AM ---Or have I managed to discombobulate something?

--- End quote ---

Probably not. The LM-2S is certainly compatible with the ULT series of sound files but you need to have the correct version of the LM software loaded into the LM. I forget which version of the LM software introduced the ULT sound files but if the LM-2S isn't the latest version (2.09) then update it anyway. Also make sure your HC is up to date as well though I don't think that plays much role in it.

I'm going to guess that the file actually downloaded correctly from Ring, so a copy of it is stored in RailPro Assistant.

Check that a copy of the file exists on the HC (go to delete files and see if the ULT sound file shows up). If it's not there then the storage space on the HC is most likely near capacity and the ULT sound file won't fit (you can check this using the Tools and then Software update button). This should have thrown an error though if this happened. There is one other possible cause but I'll leave that one out for now as it's highly unlikely but if the file isn't on the HC and you have plenty of free space and the LM is up to date count how many sound files you have loaded on the HC.

If the ULT sound file exists on the HC then it's likely that the LM software version isn't correct (it shouldn't be a free space on the LM issue as it's not showing up available to copy).

- Tim

Hi Tim, thanks for answering me. Last night I downloaded the LM2 update (version 2.09) and installed it before I downloaded the ULT file. I am using the HC simulator with the CI-1 for the update. I'll check the HC Sim and make sure the UTL file is still there.

One strange thing that happened is that both the HC sim and the RP Assistant had more open space after the download than before.

It just keeps getting more frustrating. I have the ULT file downloaded into my GP30 (verified that it is in the LM), But I can't start the engine with either the HC simulator or an actual HC. The horn and lights work as expected.

Last night I wanted to install the same file in another engine. First I had to reload the ULT file into my HC simulator, For some reason it disappeared from the simulator. Everything went fine until after the file was loaded into the LM. Then I got a "could not verify" message.

I am on the verge of going to DCC. RP is driving me nuts.

2 days ago I sent Ring an email about some other issues and I still haven't heard back from him.

Make sure you have the prime mover button set for the 567 ULT file. I'm thinking that when you deleted the original 567 file maybe you forgot to change the button setting.

Hang in there. Tim Ring will get back to you.


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