Well, I had a little good news last night. Through several multiple downloads, I managed to get all 20 of my LM2s upgraded to the latest program. When I finished with that I tried to load the update for the 3 LM3s I have. Unfortunately, I was only able to complete 1 of them. The other 2 had issues making a connection with my computer. I'll have to open them up and see if there is an issue with the engines or the LM's.
At least now I can TRY to install the ULT sound files in the LM2s.
Thank you everyone for the answers and support, I really appreciate it.
I just wonder if some of my issues stem from the old computer I pressed into service for the downloads. It's one of our older ones that we upgraded from. It's a Lenova w/W8. It seems to work better if I repeat each task at least 4-5 times.

I have been concentrating on building the layout for the last several years and put off the computer upgrades due to so much frustration. I have just about finished the layout on one side of the basement, and hopefully, I can start on the other side this year.