Author Topic: Sound file transfer issue  (Read 76245 times)


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Re: Sound file transfer issue
« Reply #30 on: April 29, 2021, 12:34:48 AM »
I have my computer on a desk with my CI-1 sticking out of the front of the case with my track and the engines sitting directly under the CI-1 9 1/2" apart.

This could be part of your problem. The transmitter in the CI-1 is the same as in the LM and I'm sure not fully omni directional, ie I'm pretty sure the antenna doesn't transmit straight down through the circuit board it's soldered on top of. This would mean that with the LM directly under the CI-1 the signal is is going to the nearest wall/roof and bouncing back (with less power) to reach the LM, far more than two feet of distance I'd say. Try and have the CI-1 pointing directly at the LM (but don't put it in an external USB hub), it might clear up the verification problem.

I'm upstairs at another computer now, but coming from my fragile memory, it's tools, software update, update program, save program, change button for engine, save. I've tried deleting the diesel engine before I downloaded the 567ULT, and also just tried to overwrite it, neither works.

That's almost it. I'm sure you had it right when you were physically doing it but just to be sure: Tools -> Software Update  -> Update Program -> Select Product is for updating a products firmware. Tools -> Software Update -> Copy File -> Select Product is to copy a sound, light etc to a product. Once the file is copied then you change the file that the button controls.

You also can't overwrite a file (eg Diesel Engine) with a completely different file (eg 567 Ult). It doesn't work like that, you can only overwrite a file with the exact same name.

- Tim
« Last Edit: April 29, 2021, 12:37:33 AM by G8B4Life »


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Re: Sound file transfer issue
« Reply #31 on: April 29, 2021, 07:42:36 AM »
This could be part of your problem. The transmitter in the CI-1 is the same as in the LM and I'm sure not fully omni directional, ie I'm pretty sure the antenna doesn't transmit straight down through the circuit board it's soldered on top of. This would mean that with the LM directly under the CI-1 the signal is is going to the nearest wall/roof and bouncing back (with less power) to reach the LM, far more than two feet of distance I'd say. Try and have the CI-1 pointing directly at the LM (but don't put it in an external USB hub), it might clear up the verification problem.

Tim that makes sense, but how did it manage to update all the LM2s modules to 2.09?



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Re: Sound file transfer issue
« Reply #32 on: April 29, 2021, 08:08:45 AM »
Sheer luck? When you wrote

Through several multiple downloads, I managed to get all 20 of my LM2s upgraded to the latest program.

I took that as it took many tries to update all 20, ie they didn't all update successfully the first time you updated each of them and it took say 25 - 30 tries to update all 20 and then when you mentioned how you had the CI-1 set up directly above the LM...

While it can work being directly above it certainly wouldn't be helping any. Also the firmware for the LM is a lot smaller in size than the 567 ULT sound file so less chance for errors in the transmission as there's a lot less packets of data to be sent and received.

- Tim
« Last Edit: April 29, 2021, 08:16:29 AM by G8B4Life »


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Re: Sound file transfer issue
« Reply #33 on: April 29, 2021, 09:14:00 AM »
Hi Tim,

My computer is a tower model. Do you think if I put the track and engine on top of the computer close to the CI1 it would work better, or would there be too many stray electrons from the computer interfering with the CI1's signal?

Thanks, Joe


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Re: Sound file transfer issue
« Reply #34 on: April 29, 2021, 10:42:53 AM »
It may work better. There might be some RFI from the computers power supply but I doubt it'd be enough to cause an issue. If you had a WiFi adapter plugged into the back of the computer that'd be more cause for concern if it was running in the 2.4Ghz range (same range as RP). Personally I wouldn't do it for fear of knocking the model off the top of the case.

Since my setup is the same (tower case on a desk) I usually use a USB extension cable and point the CI-1 directly at the LM which is usually sitting a couple of feet away (across and below) from the PC . I've never had a problem that way but probably an overkill. Other times I don't use the cable but I've not been trying to copy larges file in that case, just small files like lighting effects.

- Tim


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Re: Sound file transfer issue
« Reply #35 on: April 29, 2021, 04:55:09 PM »
You may have hit the nail on the head. I do have a wifi adapter on the back of the computer. I was sure I had a USB extension cable around here somewhere, but I've looked all over for it and can't find it.

The closest thing to a computer store around here is Walmart and they don't stock that cable. I guess I'll order it online and wait. I'll check the wifi adapter and see what range it's in. Sounds like I had the perfect storm for unreliability going on. No wonder I had so much trouble.

Thanks again Tim.  :)


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Re: Sound file transfer issue
« Reply #36 on: April 29, 2021, 08:21:15 PM »
Hi Tim, it just doesn't get any better. I changed over to my w10 computer in the basement and started over with it. It's on the opposite corner of the basement and twice as far from the router, but it still works on anything else.

So I got it all set up, downloaded the 567ULT file on that HC sim, verified that it was in the right spot, and tried to load the file into an engine. I got a "No Program File" error. Tried another engine, same outcome.

It's gotten to the point where I would rather have another heart bypass operation than keep running into the same brick wall over and over.

Thoroughly disgusted Joe.


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Re: Sound file transfer issue
« Reply #37 on: April 29, 2021, 09:45:49 PM »
Joe, I'm sure we'll work this out. If only someone had invented teleportation by now I'd come over and help in person.

Anyway, don't take this personally but are you sure you were pressing the right combination of buttons this last time?  I ask because "No Program File" is the error you get when you try to update the LM software (Tools -> Software Update -> Update Program) and you don't have the LM software in the HC / HC Sim. Since you were using a different PC is it possible that you hadn't downloaded the LM software from Ring on that machine (you only mentioned downloading the 567 Ult)?

To copy the 567 Ult file to the LM you need to Tools -> Software Update -> Copy File.

Also, what do you mean when you say "verified that it was in the right spot"?

. . .

As for the WiFi adapter on the Win 8 PC, with the adapter on the back of the PC, the CI-1 on the front and the LM also in front it's not likely to have been causing issues, I was more saying it could possibly cause some interference if you put the LM close to it by putting the loco on top of the PC case.

- Tim


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Re: Sound file transfer issue
« Reply #38 on: April 29, 2021, 11:53:30 PM »
Perhaps not as good as teleportation, but I think we can solve this by doing a video call.  Use Facetime, Zoom, or Google and one of us can connect with you and watch in real time as you go through the steps.

I think we're missing something simple here but without seeing what you're doing with our own eyes it's hard to say what it is.



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Re: Sound file transfer issue
« Reply #39 on: May 01, 2021, 01:57:29 PM »
Thanks for the replies and help guys. I had another issue crop up and it's going to take several days to sort out, so I'm going to have to put this on the back burner until I can focus on this mess again.



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Re: Sound file transfer issue
« Reply #40 on: May 03, 2021, 10:39:59 AM »
Well I thought I had it figured out. I got 5 engines updated with the 567ULT file, and everything worked as it should. I just tried to do another engine using the same procedure that worked before and when trying to upgrade to the ULT file on this engine and another one I got the "Not enough memory" failure. I checked the engine and it only had the standard Ring files, then I checked the HC sim and it only had the same standard files plus the ULT file.

Any ideas?



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Re: Sound file transfer issue
« Reply #41 on: May 03, 2021, 11:20:58 AM »
Not enough memory is the error you get when there isn't enough free space on the LM for the file your trying to copy to it to fit. If the LM does only have the default files on it then the 567 Ult should fit. Unfortunately there isn't a way to actually see how much memory is being used / how much free space there is; you just have to start copying and hope!

Anyway, deleting some files from the LM that you know you won't use (like Diesel Engine, as your copying a new diesel sound) should fix the problem.

At least it looks like we solved the Could Not Verify problem.

- Tim


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Re: Sound file transfer issue
« Reply #42 on: May 03, 2021, 11:29:50 AM »
The LM-2S will not have enough memory to fit two prime mover files.  The LM-3S will.  However, there's no reason to have anything on the module that you're not going to use.  The first thing I do when I install a new LM module is to delete all the stock sound files.  That way I know I'm starting with a clean slate and will have plenty of room for everything that I could want to add.



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Re: Sound file transfer issue
« Reply #43 on: May 03, 2021, 11:37:43 AM »
Can an old sound file be retrieved? If I'd rather use an old prime mover rather than a ULT file, is there a way to reinstall the old one after it was deleted? Is there an archive of RP sounds somewhere?


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Re: Sound file transfer issue
« Reply #44 on: May 03, 2021, 11:46:45 AM »
The older files should all be in RPA. Both the ones from the server and the ones you have already downloaded.

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