Author Topic: What would you like to see RE produce in the future.  (Read 27157 times)


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What would you like to see RE produce in the future.
« on: April 23, 2021, 12:21:08 PM »
Here you can add your wish list of future products you'd like to see come from RE (in a perfect universe)  :D

Mine are the following.
An upgrade to the LM from 6 functions to 8, with the ability for some of those functions to be of a dual purpose nature. By that I mean can play a sound file to match an action all at the push of one button (so to speak)
The big one, a smaller LM/s for small Loco's like Switchers & N scale.
A new type of module called a Wagon Module (WM-1S) that can play sounds and link to a LM/s. This would allow for brake and flange squeal sounds to emanate from the consist at various points along its length. No motor control, just sounds but also light control for brake vans (or a caboose for you american chappies). Maybe it has a random timer installed so you can select it to play certain sound files - at random. (DUHHH   lol)
For the Steamies, activate the input for possible Chuff rate control (this one though needs a new product for that as well, more on that later).
And lastly a Repeater only unit (not including a power supply) for those of us who use a different power source to run the track with but need more range that what the HC can give.

Well that's me done for now, add what you'd like to see the future hold for new products from RE for RP.
Cya Down The Line.


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Re: What would you like to see RE produce in the future.
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2021, 01:04:17 PM »
I'll echo a smaller LM, and add a 21 pin LM.

I like the WM idea.

On an upgrade side, how about Dynamic Brakes that actually sound on all units in the consist, instead of just playing on the lead loco, while sending the entire consist into idle sound?
Ian Lisakowski
Modelling CP Rail & VIA in the early 80's


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Re: What would you like to see RE produce in the future.
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2021, 05:19:21 PM »
Great suggestions.  I've wanted something for train sounds for a while.  Soundtraxx did it but it never really took off.  If Ring could produce something inexpensive, then it may work.  I'd be happy to equip a couple cars with it and intersperse them throughout a train.  Keep the volume low, but it helps to fill in the missing sound of a train moving.

I've requested dynamic brakes across a consist many times.  Just waiting for it to happen.

Mostly though I'd like to see more high-quality sound files.  The ULT files are great....we could use a lot more of those.



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Re: What would you like to see RE produce in the future.
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2021, 06:29:18 PM »
I agree more ULT files, perhaps different versions of the same. I'm thinking of variations of the turbocharged 645 - there are a couple of variants and having a mix in a consist would be nice. Perhaps a clapped out non-turbo 567 with some cylinder slap as well?? Heck, how about a turbo 567, or some other Alco/MLWs??
Ian Lisakowski
Modelling CP Rail & VIA in the early 80's


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Re: What would you like to see RE produce in the future.
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2021, 04:22:34 AM »
An upgrade to the LM from 6 functions to 8, with the ability for some of those functions to be of a dual purpose nature. By that I mean can play a sound file to match an action all at the push of one button (so to speak)

Only 8?  we'd still be behind the leaders; Loksound is up to something like 14 outputs* and while Soundtraxx is only 8 right now you can bet that George from SoundTraxx will be working to add more, seeing how addicted he seems to be with crazy amounts of lighting these days.

* not all the outputs on Loksound are amplified, some are logic level and require extra stuff on the loco motherboard to make them work as amplified outputs.

The big one, a smaller LM/s for small Loco's like Switchers & N scale.

Would be good but I think it would be difficult, seeing how packed the standard LM circuit board is.

A new type of module called a Wagon Module (WM-1S) that can play sounds and link to a LM/s. This would allow for brake and flange squeal sounds to emanate from the consist at various points along its length. No motor control, just sounds but also light control for brake vans (or a caboose for you american chappies). Maybe it has a random timer installed so you can select it to play certain sound files - at random. (DUHHH   lol)

Well, you kind of have that now, it's called an LM with the accessory program loaded into it. I imagine it'd be only a (probably large) software change to be able to have it linked with an LM (which would be needed so the (A)LM knows it's train is moving etc).  I have wanted this for some time, not so much the random brake and squeal etc but simply to make a cheaper LM (AM) for lighting passenger cars and playing HEP sounds etc; no motor control required for any of that but then I wonder really how much extra does that motor control add to the cost on an LM anyway? it'd still use 90+ % of the components that are in there so the saving might not actually be that much.

And lastly a Repeater only unit (not including a power supply) for those of us who use a different power source to run the track with but need more range that what the HC can give.

That would be awesome, and not only just because your using a different power source but you might have "dead areas" and need a repeater to get around a corner etc.

- Tim


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Re: What would you like to see RE produce in the future.
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2021, 05:51:06 AM »
Well Tim, if 14 functions is now a thing, heck why don't we round it off to 20 :)
Still would like there to be at least 2 that are of a dual type as stated before.

As to my WM-1S idea, I think you miss interpreted the concept just a wee bit (I may be wrong here to btw). Its meant to mount into/under a wagon/car of choice like a LM is into a Loco, not the AM that we have now which sits on the side of the track under a building or the base boards. So yes it be a cheaper LM (no motor control) I hope that controls just sounds (random selectable) and light outputs. Don't get me wrong I think the AM is a bloody great idea for where its used, just need a version of some type for rolling stock.

Do you have anything you'd like to see in the future as well Tim?
Cya Down The Line.


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Re: What would you like to see RE produce in the future.
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2021, 06:37:47 AM »
Well Tim, if 14 functions is now a thing, heck why don't we round it off to 20 :)
Still would like there to be at least 2 that are of a dual type as stated before.

20 would be awesome but there's not enough pins on a 21 pin decoder for that  ;)

As to my WM-1S idea, I think you miss interpreted the concept just a wee bit (I may be wrong here to btw)

Nope, I know exactly what you want in the WM, what I'm saying is we almost have that now. The LM can be loaded with an Accessory Module program which turns it into a mobile accessory module. You can put it in a car or wagon (or guards van/caboose) and control lights and sounds in it. What it can't do now is do random sounds but that would just be a new version of the program to make that happen. Now using an LM as a mobile accessory module for just lights and sounds is an expensive proposition which is why we'd like a version without motor control but as I said I wonder how much cheaper a non motor version would actually be.

Do you have anything you'd like to see in the future as well Tim?

- User creatable prime mover sounds
- 21 pin LM with more outputs (I wish PLuX22 would take off, it's so much better than 21MTC)
- Cheaper just lights / just lights and sounds mobile accessory module
- Selling the PWR-56 without the expensive laptop power supply included
- A just plain repeater
- An apology from Tim Ring  ::)

- Tim
« Last Edit: April 24, 2021, 10:24:55 AM by G8B4Life »


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Re: What would you like to see RE produce in the future.
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2021, 09:39:04 AM »
Nice list Matey.

I thought we could do our own sound files, or do I have that wrong?
Who needs 21 pins, HARD wire it Man!  LOL
Seriously though, matching more "decoder" connectors, all the better I say, although I have yet to see a PluX22, what makes that type shine?
Glad you cleared the WM idea up for me, it was just me getting the LM and AM mixed up in your earlier reply I think. Its why I came up with the WM tag, help keep the idea separate from others basically.
The no nonsense repeater idea, it would appear to be quite a favorite so far.

Apology ?  Did I miss something or is this one on a personal level?
Cya Down The Line.


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Re: What would you like to see RE produce in the future.
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2021, 10:24:04 AM »
Yes, we can create our own sound files except prime movers, they must still be done by Ring.

Who needs 21 pins? just about everyone. If Ring is going to stay in the game then he has to look seriously at this, just about everything these days comes ready for a 21 pin decoder. Hardwire? Yes I pretty much have to because everything I have either has an antiquated 8 pin or a 21 pin socket (nothing I own came with the 9 pin which pretty much skipped Australian models) but that doesn't mean I want to or have to like it.

PLuX22 is a newer layout similar or 21 MTC. Because the blanking pin is in the center it allows subsets (8, 16, 22 pins) to be used.

Apology ?  Did I miss something or is this one on a personal level?

Yes, you did miss it (you weren't a member here way back then) and yes, it's on a personal level though everyone who was a member here back then knows about it (it's no secret what it's about). I'm not going to say though, I meant to put a cheeky emoticon next to it as a tongue in cheek list item so if your interest is now that piqued you'll have to use some zen and search this forum (hint: it's about his software and his server) or maybe someone else will pipe up with it; or if you really really really want to know that badly I'll PM it to you.

- Tim


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Re: What would you like to see RE produce in the future.
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2021, 09:38:36 PM »
Smaller LM in heatshrink instead of hardcase -- N scale version, too
Smaller, lighter, more ergonomic HC
More memory
Available RP-equipped locos
HC-specific throttle holder or tab for neck loop
RP-brand speakers
« Last Edit: April 24, 2021, 09:55:03 PM by ON28 »


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Re: What would you like to see RE produce in the future.
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2021, 06:14:37 AM »
I found some OLD Lenz N decoders in my junk box the other day.  I had forgotten that they were in two sections, wired together.  and in those days, there was no 8- or 9- or 21-pin socket to take up more space.

so Ring could break the LM circuit into two smaller sections, and forgo the harness plug in favor of leads that are factory-soldered to the boards, use shrink wrap instead of a plastic housing, so it would increase the odds that the two smaller sections could be located in smaller locos. 


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Re: What would you like to see RE produce in the future.
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2021, 08:53:13 AM »
Separating the board into two linked pieces sounds like a great idea and would solve the space problem for those who like smaller diesels, including myself. I thought the present LM was already cased in heat shrink, judging by my own LMs. Am I wrong?
 A smaller HC would be nice for those with smaller hands and us old guys. Not too certain just how much TR could shrink it, though. Perhaps simply including a loop for a neckstrap would solve the weight problem for some. I sometimes use a neckstrap on my RC transmitter to alleviate the weight penalty, especially as I age, and it does help. It also prevents droppage/breakage that can occur as our muscles weaken with time.


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Re: What would you like to see RE produce in the future.
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2021, 09:28:05 AM »
By heat shrink people mean heat shrink tubing as opposed to the hard case they come in now. Heat shrink tubing would reduce the size by nearly 1.0mm in width and height.

With a little redesign the HC could be made a little slimmer in the overall width; there is room to do it from memory (there was a website that had photo's of an opened up HC but the images are no longer available) but it would end up looking like an NCE hammerhead design then so I doubt Ring would got for it. If he did I'd like to see a programmable tactile button to the top left and right of the knob, this would be great for the horn.

- Tim


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Re: What would you like to see RE produce in the future.
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2021, 10:11:50 AM »
Compatibility with Apple's OS.


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Re: What would you like to see RE produce in the future.
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2021, 07:51:28 PM »
Compatibility with Apple's OS.
