Author Topic: Large Scale Locomotive Module Motor 1 / Motor 2  (Read 10114 times)


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Large Scale Locomotive Module Motor 1 / Motor 2
« on: January 09, 2021, 08:02:47 PM »
I'm setting up my first diesel using an LM-3S-G with on-board battery power.  This is my first opportunity to use the two motor outputs on the LM.  I thought they might just be included for wiring convenience, but after running some tests I think they might be two separate drivers with some load balancing smarts.

Before installing the LM, I ran the loco using a basic 2.4GHz R/C system with a single ESC output tied to both motorized trucks. The loco ran good, but at very slow speed one truck would stall occasionally making operation jerky.

I Installed the LM with and each truck wired to it's own Motor outputs. I also have Low Speed Enhance enabled. Now, the loco will crawl so slowly you can barely see the wheels move! Smooth as silk!

I'm putting together a list of things to discuss with Tim Ring at some point. This will be one of my questions!


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Re: Large Scale Locomotive Module Motor 1 / Motor 2
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2021, 12:53:22 PM »
Hi JRad,

Just curious if you ever received a response from Ring on your question about 2 Motors?

I'm about ready to do an O Scale install with two motors.  In the previous setup, the motors were wired in Parallel and connected to the same output on the board.

The install instructions don't really address two motors although it does show motor one and motor two in the wiring diagram.

Thanks for posting.