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Greetings from Alberta

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William Brillinger:
I also use my uncoupling skewer for the screen, but I don't use the sharp end, I sanded the other end to be round and smooth. It works fantastically.

Count me in with the stick group. I use Starbucks's lid plugs. Uncouples cars well, keeps fingerprint smudges off my controller, fits in my pocket and, let's face it, when you regularly operate with a Venti Latte in your hand, they are quite fashionable. :P

I'm going to need a lot more practice before I get good at uncoupling with skewers.

I was planning on using Kadee between the rails magnetic uncouplers.

But I like the idea of using skewers to tap the screen on the controller.

Yves in Alberta

William Brillinger:
Some people try to use the skewer to pull the glad hand over. I find this nearly impossible.
I prefer to spin the skewer between the knuckles.

Some people have 1/4" skewers and find them frustrating.
I use 1/8" skewers without problems.

I have used 1/8th skewers for years to uncouple Kadees. Using them on the controller sounds like a good idea, going to give it a try.



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