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Software not Mac compatible

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William Brillinger:
I'm thinking the same thing as Alan. Get a cheap used windows machine for this.

Here is more info about Parallels: https://www.google.ca/search?q=Run+Windows+in+Parallels+on+a+Mac

William Brillinger:
Refurbished Windows 7 PC for $40

According to Ring website, one must have Windows Vista or newer which then would rule out cheaper windows computers. I am using a Mac and have done so since the very beginning and really don't mind dumping all of my DCC stuff on eBay and recouping some of the money I spent but damn if I'll buy/use a PC just to use the software.
 I have a long list of RailPro items that I would buy right away but only IF they would have software for us using Apple machines.

So I'll be just waiting on the side lines with money in hand. Cheers, the old fardt in Orygun.

Darryl - as a Mac user you have one of 3 options:

1.) Use Parallels on your Mac OS: https://www.parallels.com/landingpage/pd/general/?gclid=CNS3zM_8sM8CFZNcfgod7XwAOA.  Most of my buddies in school used Macs and had to use Parallels to run nearly all programs.  Much more software is written for PC rather than Mac, but thankfully there are options like Parallels that work for Mac users.

2.) Buy a cheap PC (even with Windows XP) and use either VirtualBox (https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) or VMware Player (http://filehippo.com/download_vmware_player/), which allow you to run virtual editions of other Windows.

3.) Wait for Ring to create the programs for Mac.  I've heard that this is on the docket, though I don't know a timeline.


You don't need a computer to run Railpro. I'm typing this on a Linux computer. I can run RailPro just fine. When I would like to update any software, I can use VMWare Player (free) or or fire up an old PC I have in the basement, or find a friend with a PC.
Don't let Apple keep you from using the best control system for model railroading that has come out in a long time.


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