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Propagating Loco Icons Across Handheld Controllers

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William Brillinger:
You can delete images from the HC later. You can delete everything except program update files.

OK Bill - now you've piqued my interest....
How does one delete images from an HC? I don't see that specifically discussed in the RailPro Assistant Software User's Manual or the RPK-1 RailPro Model Railroad Control System Starter Kit User's Manual.
The reason for my concern about adding superfluous files to an HC is because of comments I read earlier somewhere (sorry - can't point directly to it now) in this Forum stating that files can't be deleted and therefore need to be managed due to the finite space available in each HC.
Thanks again!
Paul Mac


--- Quote from: Espeelark on January 10, 2022, 07:39:51 PM ---OK Bill - now you've piqued my interest....
How does one delete images from an HC?

--- End quote ---

Page 10 in my old Illustrated Downloading, Copying and Updating guide: https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/topic,466.0.html  ;) Ok, no real need to go and look at it, from the main screen of the HC just select Tools -> Software update (the button is different to what's in the guide) -> Delete Files, then press to select product and then select the HC.

You can delete sounds, pictures and light effects from the HC, you can not delete product programs and for some stupid reason accessory programs.

As for propagating pictures across controllers, from memory, on HC #2 you'll need to go into the setup of the LM, select the new picture and save the configuration, or remove the LM from the HC and re-detect it.

- Tim


--- Quote ---Page 10 in my old Illustrated Downloading, Copying and Updating guide
--- End quote ---
Thanks for that Tim! That's a useful guide you put together and will come in handy!

--- Quote ---As for propagating pictures across controllers, from memory, on HC #2 you'll need to go into the setup of the LM, select the new picture and save the configuration, or remove the LM from the HC and re-detect it.
--- End quote ---
I've done that twice now. Once at Bill B's behest and a second time after RE sent an email saying the same thing. Unfortunately however it didn't work either time.

I'm thinking the "file not local" error message I get is the key here. I just don't know what that's trying to tell me to do!
I just may go back and delete all my .bmp files from both HC's; re-load the final .bmp image file (because I tweaked it a couple/few times) to the subject loco and see what happens. Unless of course someone else has a better idea....  ;D

William Brillinger:
Did you copy the loco image to the HC like I suggested?
I've seen this before. The image was not copied to the HC correctly from the LM and it needs to be updated. Each HC stores the images for each loc they know locally.


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