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Can’t connect to Ring Servers

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And then I tried again... you know, repeatable results being the goal... only now it seems to be all over the place and I can't even get a stable opening.

Received Bytes 52, sent 635, Received packets 1, sent 12. AND, after only being open for a few seconds, RingEngAssistant goes straight to the "Error - Cannot Connect to RE Server" message.

I rebooted the computer and got the same thing.


--- Quote from: KB02 on February 03, 2022, 06:55:40 PM --- I can at least report this: the problem is with my computer. After going through the above, I dug out my old, outdated, still running XP, laptop - which also happens to have Railpro Asst. downloaded it, and that is working perfectly fine and my HC-2 is currently updating as I try this. ..

--- End quote ---

Hang on, something doesn't add up there, RPA hasn't natively run on XP since at least version 2.02 back in 2016, and I stopped providing patches to let RPA run on XP in about 2018 so how are you getting RPA to run on XP?

As for the Win10 machine, your result is what I expected to see in LiveTcpUdpView. It almost looks like something is mangling the packets of data. I may have to write a program to mimic RPA so we can see what the sent and received data actually contains. I need to think on the best way to do this.

I also tested MalwareBytes on a virtual machine (Win7, not Win10) without issue.

- Tim

William Brillinger:
Have you by any chance called Ring's Support line and talked to them?


--- Quote from: G8B4Life on February 12, 2022, 01:19:53 AM ---Hang on, something doesn't add up there, RPA hasn't natively run on XP since at least version 2.02 back in 2016, and I stopped providing patches to let RPA run on XP in about 2018 so how are you getting RPA to run on XP?

--- End quote ---

My apologies. The old laptop is running Vista. It's the little Acer Aspire that wouldn't die. :)


I spoke with one of our IT guys at work today and gave him the basic rundown of what I had going on (It was fun to watch him nearly vomit when I mentioned the laptop was on Vista  ;D ). As a my machines are running through Wifi, one suggestion that he had was to plug the computer into the modem directly and try that way. IT WORKED! Yay! I unplugged the hard wire and went back to Wifi and the problem returned with it.

Okay - it has something to do with the Wifi. But why this newer and updated machine and not the old Vista machine running off the same modem?

We're getting there...

Moderator edit: Fixed BBC code in post that makes the font larger


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