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Railpro Assistant connection issue fixed? Hmmmm

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William Brillinger:
What kind of computer are you using?
What operating system?
What kind of internet service?
Is the internet connection stable for other programs, when you are having problems with RPA connecting to the internet?

Win10 64, on a Lenovo laptop, and Dell Desktop, both have worrked intermittently in the past
Starlink, absolutely stable

I can start Assistant from the desktop icon, and it will immediately show USB Connected, but no internet. After a while, it will say Error - cannot connect to RE server. Am running 4.01

William Brillinger:
I suggest giving Ring Engineering a call on this one.

I uninstalled Assistant, rebooted, reinstalled and it hooked up to Ring's site.

Downloaded and installed the latest HC2b firmware, then went to run trains.

Came back in, and tried to hook up again to download the latest LMS4G. no internet.

This one's above my pay grade.

William Brillinger:
"no internet."

Did you try browsing the internet with a web browser to see if it was limited to the RPA, or was the internet just "out"?


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