RailPro > RailPro Software Updates

HC-2b rev 2.29, LM-4S-G rev 1.05 released


HC-2b rev 2.29 and LM-4S-G rev 1.05 have been released.

As usual, no idea what's fixed or new in the releases. Nothing on the website. Now to get my HC warmed up to be able to charge it so I can update it!

- Tim

All Done, no issues.
Thanks for the Heads Up again Tim.

Jim Agnew,

I've moved your question to it's own topic. Please reply in the new thread here:


- Tim

1.05 supposedly fixes overheating warning issues. Tim said the LM-4S-G inadvertently had a firmware temperature value from the first version of the LM-3S-G (which hardware could not handle as much heat). The later 3SG and now 4SG has improved hardware to handle higher levels of heat. The firmware value caused the 4SG to report the wrong temperature and shut down prematurely. The 1.05 fixes this firmware value so it reports the temperature correctly and does not prematurely shut down.

Great info Jordan.  Thanks for sharing.



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