Author Topic: Rail Pro Mars Light Install  (Read 33483 times)


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Rail Pro Mars Light Install
« on: November 14, 2022, 06:17:44 AM »
Just wondering what the difference is between the Download for the Mars Light and the Dual Mars Light. I would assume one is for one light and Dual is for two lights. So if it is for the Dual Mars then will it take two Light Wires on the Rail Pro Module and not just one so the light can flash opposite each other, is this correct, or not. My new rebuild (SD-40) has the upper headlights (2) and a center lower (2) light for the Mars Light, so just wanting to know what would be the best setup for the dual Mars light. One other question, can I adjust the flash rate on the Mars light.


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Re: Rail Pro Mars Light Install
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2022, 06:28:51 AM »
You are correct, Mars is a single light effect (so one output) and Dual Mars is a dual light effect so uses 2 outputs (but only one button).

The only Dual Mars effect listed is Dual Mars Sync so that flashes in sync with each other, not opposite.

Yes, you can adjust the flash rate but to do that you'll need to play around with editing the light effect in RPA. Not difficult but not overly friendly either.

- Tim


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Re: Rail Pro Mars Light Install
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2022, 06:39:22 AM »
thanks for the quick reply, so what would be the advantage over the Mars vs. Dual Mars, if they don't flash opposite each other on Dual Mars. Would the Ditch Lights function be a better choice here as they would flash opposite of each other. I have Rail Pro in two other diesels, but this is my first with a Mars light, so thanks for you answers.



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Re: Rail Pro Mars Light Install
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2022, 05:52:35 PM »
I'm presuming that you are modelling a rebuilt 7300 series SP SD40R. If memory serves, those had Gyralites, not Mars lights. Mars lights would sweep side to side in a figure 8 pattern, while Gyralites had a more elliptical pattern. SP 4449 has Mars light and there are videos where you can see the figure 8 pattern.

Luckily, there is a Gyralite file for download for RP. I've used it in a SP GP40X (two bulbs, one function).

All you ever wanted to know about Mars & Gryalites, but where afraid to ask can be found here:
« Last Edit: November 15, 2022, 08:10:31 AM by CPRail »
Ian Lisakowski
Modelling CP Rail & VIA in the early 80's


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Re: Rail Pro Mars Light Install
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2022, 06:01:17 AM »
so what would be the advantage over the Mars vs. Dual Mars, if they don't flash opposite each other on Dual Mars.

Prototype wise, I've no idea really as thankfully (in my opinion) we didn't get those various disco light lighting packages on locomotives over here. RailPro wise, well the dual one allows you to control two Mars light outputs with one button instead of needing two buttons, that's all.

The Dicth light effect won't do what you want; it'll just look like flashing lights whereas the Mars and Gyra light effects actually seem to mimic the Mars and Gyra light effects rather well.

I'll leave the prototype-ness of synced Mars or Gyra lights to others as I know nothing about them but you can edit the synced light effect so the two lights are out of sync but as mentioned, not overly user friendly to do.

- Tim


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Re: Rail Pro Mars Light Install
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2022, 06:29:18 AM »
I not modeling a scale SD-40, it is a LGB Rio Grande #2056 Diesel, it will be repainted and lettered in my RR name so there is no need to be correct for that particular engine, etc. I just want to use a light that has some interest when running on my indoor layout, or the club outdoor layout, so when its your railroad you can do what you want. Thanks again for the info, I will look into the different lights that Rail Pro offers and see what I like best, thanks.