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iphone4s speakers [recovered topic]

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Here is the installation one of the GP-40's, The wires are bunched up on top of the module temporarily until I get the lights hooked up. The speaker is mounted with double sided tape in a brass saddle I had made for the DS1436's which fits nicely.


I'm using a commercial grade of double sided tape which is used in the auto body repair business. The white covered double sided tape found in retail stores should be just as good for this application. I did not notice any resonance or vibration after replacing the  shell.


Thanks Mel,

I'll get some foam tape and see if it helps. I'll also try looking at the levels of the audio file as I said.

For everyone else that didn't get to read my post before it got accidentally deleted with the thread, I installed some iPhone speakers into a couple of installs. Being in a hurry to get this done so I could trial/show off RailPro the next day I simply left them on the weight. I possibly taped them down with Kapton (I'll have to open them up to see). Now, when I use the horn there is a lot of resonance which causes a very audible vibration to the body shell. Never having had anything with sound in it before I was wondering if anyone else has had such resonance (RailPro or not) and what different things they have down to circumvent it.

- Tim

William Brillinger:
I have had vibrations from loose speaker installs in my initial testing too.

Using silicone, rubber tape, foam tape, or even a rolled up bit of electrical tape, will act as a buffer and stop the vibration.

Just make sure the speaker is not touching the shell.

I was also thinking/wondering if gluing the iPhone 4s speaker to the shell would improve the speakers performance by making the shell part of the speaker.

I have had mixed results attaching speakers to the top of the shell. I think that if the shell has a fairly tight fit to the chassis, it will act as a baffle and improve the sound, but if the fit is loose at all it will just vibrate and detract from the sound. I use a thin coating of silicone to attach it.


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