Again, now with the fans removed, I don't have any issues running my Railpro locomotives with power fed directly from my CRE-55465 power supply at 23v output to the rails. I've done a few running sessions now, with a mix of my 5 railpro locomotives, for a total of about 8 hours with no issues. If I try running my power supply through my Revo trackside super unit (linear) set to full output to the tracks, I do have issues with my Railpro locomotives losing connection but still running. If I run straight from my power supply (fused) to the rails, no issues with connection. I suspect RP's comms module is VERY finicky with incoming power, since I'm only losing connectivity but the train continues to run (it may jerk to a halt and take off again, but then it keeps running at the last setting and I have to kill the track power to get it to stop). Anyways, my brother and I are doing some testing with a scope, have more to do. But at least I know how to get my Railpro locomotives to run reliably for the time being, even if the root cause is not fully pinpointed.