Author Topic: Steam Chuff cam input on LM3s? Did I miss something? :)  (Read 19152 times)


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Steam Chuff cam input on LM3s? Did I miss something? :)
« on: March 04, 2023, 06:21:13 AM »
I only have one steamer in my HO scale line up, and once I got it set up the way I wanted it, I haven't fiddled with the settings much. Then the other day I was flipping through the settings and noticed a button for steam chuff cam input! Has that been there all along and I never noticed? Or was this part of some update that never got announced?

Or is this a fluke and I shouldn't have said anything?  ;D

If this was part of an update, it should have been shouted from the rooftops for all us HO scale steam loving guys!

Now I've got to try and find a cam that I can retrofit into my old Rivarossi Hudson to try it out.