Author Topic: Large Scale Bachmann 55 Ton Shay wiring plan for DC or DCC power  (Read 46632 times)


  • Conductor
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I sold the locomotive before I got to installing a LM, but did this up for the buyer. Battery power would be very similar after isolating track pick-ups and repurposing the Railway L&R wires from tender to carry the battery power to the main board.

Here is the same in PDF if you prefer:


  • Conductor
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  • Posts: 137
Re: Large Scale Bachmann 55 Ton Shay wiring plan for DC or DCC power
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2023, 06:08:39 PM »
I had some interest in how the adapter was made so I wrote this up and took some pics.

When I was testing the loco with RailPro I did not want to cut off the 6 Pin plug in order to confirm operation of the circuits that it interrupts. I looked around for the mating socket, but could only find it in PC board mount. I figured if I was going to need to solder wires anyway, I might as well just make my own mate.

I stared with some header pins I picked up from Amazon for my servo driven switch project. The pins are spaced identical to the Bachmann plug and they can be cut to the needed number of pins…

I had some 4 conductor ribbon cable left over from my RGBWW lighting work that got soldered to the pins. I needed 6 wires so two more were added…

To protect from shorts, a few layers of heat shrink finish it off,. The white dot is for polarity reference…

Electrically, it does this. Adapter on left, Bachmann plug on right…


  • Fireman
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Re: Large Scale Bachmann 55 Ton Shay wiring plan for DC or DCC power
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2023, 07:04:23 PM »
Very helpful.  Thak you.


  • Fireman
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  • Posts: 32
Re: Large Scale Bachmann 55 Ton Shay wiring plan for DC or DCC power
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2023, 07:11:52 PM »
Nice write up, does anyone know if the climax is wired the same way as the shay?