Author Topic: 1st RP install wiring question  (Read 26773 times)


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1st RP install wiring question
« on: January 20, 2024, 10:59:15 PM »
Howdy all,
Before I attempt my 1st install I thought I'd clear some questions I have from the folks around here more electrical savvy than myself.

I'm installing deadrail in a steam loco.
Components are - battery, step up voltage regulator, LM-3S, motor, speaker, and two LEDs.
After reading as much on the topic that I could, plus viewing numerous wiring diagrams, I think I have a pretty good handle on most of the connections.
Red & black wires from the battery to the voltage regulator, red & black out to the LM-3s, then orange & gray to the motor. Two brown to the speaker, then blue and two other colors to the LEDs. (With resistors in line)
My question is at the voltage regulator it has a V in, V out & gnd. Do I run a red from the battery to the V in and black to gnd? Then black out of gnd, and red out from V out to the LM-3S? If not, please offer other suggestions.
Looking for some reassurance or guidance from folks with more electrical knowledge.

Thanks, Bill