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Charging HC2 battery question

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My battery gauge (upper right corner) is only solid white right after I run the charging cycle, but goes to almost empty within minutes. Is this a symptom of a failing battery or else?

How I charge:
1. Turn it off
2. Plug in the USB cable that comes with the controller from Ring
3. The screen says "Charging"
4. ~10s later, screen says "Done"

Are the above procedures correct?

William Brillinger:
Your battery is probably good for 5 to 10 hours even though it say's it's low right away.
The battery indicator is basically fiction on the HC.

Sounds like you need many need to re-calibrate the indicator.

Battery Indicator Calibration: https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/topic,582.msg5204.html#msg5204

Let is discharge completely by turning off the "auto screen off" setting on the HC.  Leave it on until it is completely dead.  Then plug it in and let it recharge to full.  This procedure will reset the battery level indicator and give you a much more accurate charge state.

More info: https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/topic,25

the red battery indicator flashed Red/White for a couple of minutes then the unit turned off like you said. Plugged the charging cable in and let it run. 5 hours later, I turned it on, and it said "Done" with the full battery indicated, unplugged it. Powered it up, only have 1/4 battery. Waited a couple of minutes for the software to poll the battery and update the display, still 1/4. Did I miss something?

William Brillinger:
how old is the HC?

i bought it back in early 2020. It's an HC2b.
BTW: the indicator just went to RED about a half hour after the charging cycle said "Done"
Just now happened


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