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Brake function

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Hey all,

Looking for guidance on the brake function. Specifically, when activated, is it supposed to work like a brake? When I press the brake button, I see the percentage increasing but I don't get brake action. Where can I go to get info on this or does the brake function not work that way?

TIA - Bryan

The throttle has to be set at 0 for the brake to work. Makes no sense.

Thank you ON28

I was aware of the throttle setting but I was hoping there was a setting I missed. That's to bad.

Hey Bryan,

Can you advise what action are you trying to achieve? Braking down from mainline speeds? Action like the TCS Drive Hold?

I think it's more like an independent brake vs. a train brake.

My layout is mostly switching, and "mainline" speeds are low. I set my accel & decel at 10%. If you then set load to say 20% (dependent on locos - some need more load), I find you can lower the throttle setting and as it's adjusting to your setting, you can use the brake. I generally use it for that last little bit, like during a coupling, or stopping after/before a switch point. I also use manual notching, so I can control the engine sound independently from the actual speed.

Hope that helps!

As Ian said, during slow speed switching I'll hit the brake up to 100% and hold it there, then throttle down until the brake takes effect, which is to say an immediate dead stop.


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