RailPro > RailPro Specific Help & Discussion

Can't unlink

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 Have an A & B unit, both powered, both in forward direction.

If I select either one, the link button appears, the unlink button does not.

When I select the link button on the A unit and then choose the B unit to link, I get the message "unit already linked".  Same thing if I go to the B unit, shows the A already linked.

But nothing ever shows the unlink button.

If I try to operate the A unit, it just drags the B unit, its not getting a signal?

Help please

William Brillinger:
From the main page on the HC, select Tools, then select the "clear active locos list" button, and try linking again.

Tried that, still no go.

Is your HC up to date? There has been many HC updates in quick succession recently and because no changelog is provided (really Tim Ring, really?) who knows what each of them fixes.

Other than that if all up to date it sounds like the HC is confused and it might take a reset to fix it. I'm not sure if the modules keep a record of who they are MU'ed with.

- Tim

Had 2 HC, sent them in because they didn't charge, one had a problem Ring said they had not seen, sent one back and I bought an HC3 sun.

The more I consider this, I want them linked since they are an A &B, the problem is they won't work as a consist.  They both work independently but not together.


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