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New RPT-1 Radio Repeater Accounced September 17, 2024


William Brillinger:
New RPT-1 Radio Repeater announced today!

I checked with Ring, and they confirm that the RPT-1 works with any HC.

RPT-1 works with all RailPro Products.
Your HC-2 and HC-2b need to be at Rev 2.52 or newer to use RPT-1. HC-3 needs to be at Rev 1.09 or newer.


From Ring's website:

Add this low cost radio repeater to your RailPro Layout to add extended Radio Range and improved radio coverage!  You can use multiple RPT-1 to extend the radio range of a RailPro Handheld Controller to hundreds of feet!

All Radios (including Bluetooth and WiFi) suffer from multipath distortion.  This is where a radio wave can bounce off an object and come back and combine with the original signal in a way that it degrades the signal.  This typically can cause small angles to have dead spots. By adding a RailPro Radio Repeater you can eliminate this radio problem completely.

Available for pre-order now on PDC.CA, or from your favorite retailer.


Can this be used with any usb wall wart? Like say the ones that come with cell phones? I have a couple of those kicking around.

William Brillinger:

--- Quote from: CPRail on September 17, 2024, 02:40:19 PM ---Can this be used with any usb wall wart? Like say the ones that come with cell phones? I have a couple of those kicking around.

--- End quote ---

Based on the FAQ on the product page, I would say "Yes."

Yes, it should be able to be used with any wall wart.  I'm pretty sure they all have about the same power output.

I've been testing the RPT-1 and it works well.  I think this is a good solution for guys operating on someone else's layout, a club layout, or Freemo.  If you're concerned about signal being lost, or are in a saturated area (show), then throwing a couple of these things around the space is simple and works great.  Either put them in a wall wart or in a cell phone battery pack.

Or if you want to increase the signal on your own layout without adding a much more expensive PWR-56, these are a simple solution.


I flagged a new product called RPT back in July: https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/topic,1624.0.html. Why it did not click that RPT would stand for repeater back then I don't know.

Still, should be quite helpful and something we've wanted for quite some time.

- Tim


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