RailPro > RailPro Specific Help & Discussion

HC 3 Controller frozen on Searching for Product


I was on HC3 Version 1.06.  To utilize the repeaters on my club railroad I was told I needed the latest update.

I did the update using RailPRO Asssistant, least I think I did.

All seemed OK and I wanted to do a test.  Charged up the tender battery for my locomotive and charged the HC 3.

Turned everything on and somehow messed up and hit search for product.

Not it is stuck on searching and finding nothing, but I cannot turn the HC3 OFF!   

It is stuck on searching and has been for a long time.

I really do not want to hit reset, but any ideas????????

If it hasn't already discharged completely, discharge it. Then charge it back up and see if it has reset itself.

William Brillinger:
Do the reset.

OK,welltook maybe 10 hours, was fully charged.  , I let it discharge completely, totally off.  Recharged and all seems good!  Came back and went to the club layout and added the repeaters, it's 40'X60'.


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