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Consistent loss of radio signal

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Hello Tim,

I can answer your questions now after further testing.

I took my entire system to another part of my house for testing. The issues remain the same. When I check in the locomotive on the HC, sometimes the system recognizes the locomotive and sometimes it does not. It even has issues when I try logging into the engine by typing in the password.

These are S scale (not AF) locomotives. I know the power supplied to the track from the PWR-56 is sufficient because when I put an American Models DC powered engine on the track the motors run just fine and the engine will run away if not caught.

I saw to it that the LM is mounted properly. The top side is face up. I even tried reversing the 8 pin plug and also tried to run the chassis without the shell.

The headlights light up properly in whichever direction I try to run the engine.

Am I missing something?


Hmmm, ok,

This is happening to all your locomotives right? What brands and type of locomotives?

Do the locomotives loose radio contact if you don't try to move them with the throttle? ie selected with the HC but just sit there, don't try to move them forwards or backwards.

You mentioned 8 pin plug so I'm wondering if there could be something about the board the LM's are plugged into. While it isn't impossible you could have a flaky HC I wouldn't think that'd be the case.

- Tim

I actually got an S Helper Service engine to work properly, but I still think it could revert back to my original problem at any time.

Right now, this problem is on the back burner due to another situation I described in another post here.

I am positive that I caused both these issues somehow. I'm just trying to find out what I've done wrong.

I finally resolved the issue at hand.

It turns out that along with cleaning the wheels and rails, I needed to vacuum the track immediately after going over it with a rail burnishing bar. Removing the extra dirt with the vacuum helped more than I expected.

I’d like to thank everyone for their help in this matter. I do appreciate your input.


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