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Railpro and dcc together

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The DCC boosters are where signal multiplexing occurs. DCC power supplies are for the most part conventional power supplies. The PWR-56 should operate a DCC booster fine assuming sufficient amperage.

Combined RailPro and DCC operation can be a costly and cumbersome adventure. Using Ring components in the track supply is probably the wrong way to go if you want RailPro/DCC operation. Instead, build a complete DCC layout using components of the DCC system of choice and then simply use RailPro controller and modules for your locomotives. The drawback is if you decide to include switches/accessories that are controlled by the throttle. Then you would need a RailPro throttle and a DCC throttle to operate on the layout. The reverse of the situation using RailPro accessory modules in which case your DCC friend would need two throttles to operate on the layout.

No matter how you look at it combined RailPro/DCC is kinda sloppy. Best to commit to one or the other and let the chips fall where they may.

Or, make your friend bankroll the DCC stuff! :-P

Ive already went all in on railpro with 2 throttles, power supplies, and 10 module equipped locos. I only have 1 reverser and have no plans to use the accessory modules. All turnouts are operated by toggles in their locations. I'm thinking I would only have to buy a dcc compatible reverser, the dcc system,1 booster,and use the pwr56 supplies. I guess I'm just thinking out loud about this. Just exploring the possibilities.


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