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I don't suppose there has been any more info released lately about the CI-1 interface, has there?  I was wondering if it is something that would be opening up the possibility of other control methods such as smart phone and tablet, using apps from RE or third parties, or is it designed simply for computer interfacing (e.g. JMRI)?

I'm really liking some of the features I'm seeing in the Z21 system, such as dual throttle display and side-by-side throttle and accessory displays.  I would like to have that on my hand held controller, rather than my computer.  It bothers me to consider choosing one system, knowing I'm giving up some really useful features only available in the other.   :-\

I'm getting close to making a final decision, and this "coming soon" business is killing me.   :P

There's been no info forthcoming that I know of however I am seeing prices for it already, and at ~$40.00 US I'm not expecting it to be much more than a programmer so you don't have to keep using and running down the hand held controller when programming. I do hope I'm wrong though.

I guess we'll have to wait and see. They are apparently in production so they can't be too far away.

The Z21 is a good system, but it is still DCC and it will always be mired in that bog. Don't get me wrong, DCC isn't bad on paper, it just need's a massive kick in the rear to get it into "today".

- Tim

Where did you see prices for it?

I haven't heard any info on it either, though I'm assuming some people have to be beta-testing it.  But what it is won't be public knowledge until after it has been released.

I'm assuming as you said that it involves programming and downloading to locomotive modules from the computer, which is welcome indeed.  That would cut out the step of having to load files onto the controller.  I'm also assuming that it allows some control over RE products.  At some point in the future I would not be surprised if it allows full layout control similar to JMRI...ie all switches can be thrown from the computer, etc.


A simple Google search for railpro ci-1 provided the prices, such as




Quite a few others are advertising that price too. Whether it actually is that price when it arrives remains to be seen but I suspect it will be as there is more than one place advertising that price.

- Tim

I have a little more info on the CI-1 from an email exchange with Tim:

"The CI-1 is a USB to Direct Radio dongle.  So with PC code it can do many things including controlling and monitoring a layout.  For the initial release there will be a desktop simulator that basically has the functionality of the HC-2.  Using the CI-1 and PC simulator you will be able to load all the files etc without running your HC batteries down."

This is exactly what I was hoping it would do.  With the CI-1 we'll be able to load all files directly from the computer to the modules without tying up the HC and wearing down the batteries.  We all know that loading files, particularly prime mover files, drains the battery at an accelerated rate.  In addition, loading files ties up the HC so it can't be used for other things like running a train or setting up other modules.  Sounds like the CI-1 will solve all of that. 

Layout control and control over all Railpro products from the computer sounds intriguing as well.  This would be great for layouts that utilize a dispatcher for ops. 

As soon as they come out I will be buying one.



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