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LM2S output

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Does anyone know offhand what the voltage output is for the light controls from the loco module?
Thanks, Joe

Don't quote me on this but I think it's 12V.  I haven't measured with a multimeter so I can't confirm.  Should be fine to use with typical 12V bulbs, but needs resistors for LED's.  I use LED's only and use 1K ohm 1/4 watt resistors. 


The PWR-75 puts out 12v to the track. Older DC locomotives use incandescent bulbs that use track voltage directly. I would think the LMs would have to output 12v to keep them at the prescribed brightness, but I have not taken an actual measurement.

Al - the PWR 75/56 supplies output 14.2 volts to the track, not 12.  That would be too high for bulbs I think, so I'm assuming that the modules step it down to 12 volts before it gets to the light outputs and motor.


My LM2S light output measured 10.6V with the forward LED's on.



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