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Manual Notching not working across a consist


Having followed the discussion on the Yahoo list but never having used the manual notching (admittedly, I didn't even know it existed) feature, I fired up my system and did some playing.  What I noticed is that the manual notching only works on the currently selected unit and does not also notch the consisted trailing units.  Not sure if I am missing something I should have done or if this is just how it works.  As tested, this is a deal-breaker for me.  I would like to have been able to use manual notching as it seems like a more realistic way to present the function under varying conditions, but I am going to have to leave them all in auto when consisted, which in the case of my ABB set of E8s, is all the time.  Please, if anyone knows of a way to manually notch all units in a consist from the controls on the lead (1st) unit, let me know.  If there is none, perhaps this can be added to the list.


Manual notching does indeed work on all units across a consist, but you need to be sure you have all the modules updated to the newest version.  If it is not working for you it sounds like you need to updated to the newest software.

I asked Tim for the this feature some time back and it was included in some of the most recent updates.  LM-2 series should be at 1.05 and LM-1 at 1.10.  The manual notching works with either LM-2, LM-1, or a mix of the two.  I have thoroughly tested it and it works very well.  Since having this feature enabled I have completely stopped using auto notching. 

This video shows a bit of the manual notching across a consist at the end of the video.  It may be hard to hear the two separate prime movers but rest assured they do notch together on my command:


Thanks, Kevin. Just checked my modules; all three are at LM-2S IVT-1536, Rev 1.00, software SW1024, Rev 1.04 on A, Rev 1.03 on both Bs.  I will be updating them all in the morning.

I had updated them when the new software (Assistant) came out a few months ago but apparently there have been more updates since then.  I guess they release updates far more often than I am checking for them.

Again, thanks for the info.

Michael - Yes, there were a few updates that rolled out several months ago.  How often they come out depends on what features people request.  If no new features are being added then the software version has no reason to change.  The newest software enabled new features such as switching the LM-2 from a locomotive module to an accessory module.  A little before that was the update with the manual notching across consists.

Bill - I added the html tags several times, but whenever I clicked "post" they would disappear.  Not sure why, but nothing I tried could get that behavior to stop.


Updated all my LM-2S modules to Software Rev 1.05.  Manual notching is working across all consisted units.  Now I feel a little more informed and can offer my vote on this proposal.  Many thanks.


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