General > General Discussion

Finally have some pictures....

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William Brillinger:
attachment id=1 width=750 msg=1157

id is the number of the attachment to insert
msg is the number of the message the attachment belongs to.

These 2 items together tell the software what image to place into your post.
In this case, attachment no 1 from message 1157

That is going to be a huge layout Joe. Have you drawn it out yet?

Hi Tim,
Actually the room is 62x15' with more to the right through the far door. There is also a room on the far end left side that houses my sump pumps, my RR workshop, and my staging area. The rooms on to the right of the picture will have more layout, then the mechanical room with a track going along the wall, then my exercise/electrical room, and a pass-though to another yard which will be where I was standing to take the picture.

I was wondering about the (MSG) code =24 at the end of the instruction line. The way I interpret the codes, is that the (width) adjusts the width of the image. Or did I misinterpret that?

I have to leave, will be back this evening.

That last picture was right before I had my heart surgery, then it took a couple of months before I could progress. Then I finished up the work to allow installation of the carpet.

At this point I started to attach the 2x4's to the wall in order to mount the framework to it.


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