RailPro > RailPro Specific Help & Discussion

Would make a good advertisement for RailPro

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I hadn't even read the article when I posted the advertisment comment. I did let out a laugh when I read it and saw an actual advertisment on the second page of the article for RailPro.

I can't say I ended up shaking my head after reading the article but I guess that might be because I'd had quite a bit of exposure to things like CV's and how things like CV29 works before I got into DCC so it wasn't hard to translate it all across. That exposure did not stop me from asking "why are they doing it this way?" though.

I never got to speed matching, my plan was to never have to by using torque converters but using them will probably never happen now.

An article wouldn't be a bad idea but RailPro is so simple I rekon it'd take some real skill to write an article; you could almost just submit the instructions and a couple of Kevin's videos and be done with it!

 - Tim


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