Author Topic: Revisiting our sound handling wish list  (Read 29449 times)


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Re: Revisiting our sound handling wish list
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2016, 05:52:43 PM »
Tim - I've been thinking about this since you posted all this information.  That's very interesting that Loksound uses 8-bit 15.6Khz files.  Is that what is actually being played out from the speakers or is that what the source files are recorded in?  Does Loksound convert the files into some other format like Railpro does?  Does it matter what format the source recordings are in if they are just going to be converted anyways?

It seems like Loksound is able to do more with the same amount of storage space as compared to Railpro.  In addition to the prime mover file they have multiple horns and bells to choose from, many more spitter sounds, etc.

Regarding the download speed, I've always wondered about that.  I have no idea what it has to be so slow, but I'm sure there is a reason for it.  I hope that eventually changes.  It really would be nice to be an instant download.



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Re: Revisiting our sound handling wish list
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2016, 02:29:49 AM »
WOW! I just watched that entire video, I want that sound!
If RailPro doesn't get that kind of sound soon, I may have to go with DCC again just to get that Loksound prime mover sound and those features!
I'm not at the stage I'll be buying a control system yet, but I do have 5 locomotives now, all DCC ready, as soon as I get some track laid, I'll want to start running some trains, and hearing that kind of sound!


  • Signalman (Global Mod)
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Re: Revisiting our sound handling wish list
« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2016, 06:27:34 AM »
Whoa, hold that throttle lever back there Mike, We need to remember that ESU have been making sound decoders for DCC longer than anyone; since 1999. That's way longer than Ring Engineering so we can't expect the same level of quality like that in an instant (relatively speaking), we need to give RE a good chance to get things better. We do keep giving them feedback on what we want to see and they do at least listen to it. If nothings improved in a year or so then I might be inclined to tell them to look past the binders and see what the hobbies got but not right now, I'd rather work with them to improve than give up on them.


The 8 bit 15.6Khz wav files are what's stored in the Loksound project files. They are converted to this format when you import sound files into the project so I believe that this is what's actually played by the sound hardware on the decoder. I have no way to prove or disprove it though as I have no Loksound hardware to study. You would normally import full CD quality 16 bit 44.1Khz wav files the same as you do with RailPro.
Unfortunately I know exactly how Loksound does this operation but I can't work out exactly what RailPro does when it's converting sound. Much more study is needed.

In regards to the slow download, I stand by my theory that it's either related to the speed in which data can be copied to the HC (the HC is not a full USB device but in fact contains a USB to serial bridge and the serial speed of the HC is very slow indeed), or Ring is deliberately limiting the bandwidth of the connection. Either way there is no need for it.

- Tim