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Railpro Assistant V 2.0

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--- Quote ---I loaded the software as a full install and it is not saving changes to my data.
For example, If I delete a stored image, and reopen RPA, the image is no longer deleted.

--- End quote ---

This is odd Bill, I have spent some time trying to replicate what you are experiencing but I can't do it, I can't make it fail in that way, but I haven't Windows 10 either.

It sounds like RPA still cannot access the storage file with the proper permissions to actually write to the file. You could try running it with Administrator privileges and see if it can then delete old files / save new files. Running RPA v2.02 without Administrator privileges works as intended on Win 7 at least. If it still doesn't work we can then try working on a new solution.

I've also done my other testing, there is nothing different about the storage file and what it contains between v2.00 and 2.02 except the location it's stored.

- Tim

William Brillinger:
These steps have solved the problem I was having, but of course I lost my data file. Not a problem for me.

Delete folders:
c:\Program Files\Ring Engineering\RailPro Assistant
c:\Program Data\Ring Engineering

Remove the desktop icon
The do a RailPro Assistant install and choose Update.

BTW: Tim Ring says the only difference between "install all" and "update" is "install all" also loads the USB drivers for the older HC-1 and HC-2.

RPA 2.02 is working and saving files to the storage folder at its new location but the old storage folder is gone. The I install routine must have deleted the folder. I will have to download all the files over again if I want them saved on the computer. I'm using Win10.

The HC-2 drivers were also installed using the update method when the program was first run.


--- Quote from: William Brillinger on August 24, 2016, 10:05:05 AM ---These steps have solved the problem I was having, but of course I lost my data file. Not a problem for me.

Delete folders:
c:\Program Files\Ring Engineering\RailPro Assistant
c:\Program Data\Ring Engineering

Remove the desktop icon
The do a RailPro Assistant install and choose Update.

BTW: Tim Ring says the only difference between "install all" and "update" is "install all" also loads the USB drivers for the older HC-1 and HC-2.

--- End quote ---


Thanks, this is exactly what I had to do to get it to install correctly. I'm running Mac OS X with Parallels 10 and Windows 7.

I just updated to v2.02.  Update went fairly smooth, except now my feature enable doesn't work.  Anyone else have that problem?



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