RailPro > RailPro Specific Help & Discussion

Terminating bus ends

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William Brillinger:

--- Quote ---If the bus loops on itself just like the track does, That would basically mean I would have no bus ends right?
--- End quote ---


The possible side effect is changing the inductance of the system. The connected track circle effectively becomes a giant air core inductor. If you connect the bus ends then the buss effectively becomes a second turn of the same inductor.

The coupling between the two is very weak and the air core is huge so it really doesn't matter in practical terms. More an FYI.

Parallel (un-twisted) bus wires are much more of an inductance/capacitance problem. Twist your bus wires a turn or two per foot. Twisting your track would also reduce inductance/capacitance but that tends to be bad on the train.  :P 

Antoine L.:
Thank you for your help. I will finish my track plan with XtrackCad and follow your advice.



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