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Sounds on the horizon

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I would also like to see the new 645's. I have been asking Tim for an Alco 244 (PA-1) for a couple of years now. There are still a bunch of us who model the 40's through the 60's.  ;)

Great news! With new prime mover files, this will put RailPro on an even playing field with several high quality DCC decoders. Can hardly wait for the new files to become available.


Alas the GTEL Turbine is completely different from the UA Turbo. They had a small diesel engine for moving the power around in the terminal, and only cut in the big turbine when heading out on the road.

The UA Turbos had the turbines running all the time.

Also got word from Tim that all new recordings were made with the locomotive under load.  That should mean that we'll have some exceptional sound. Many of the other control companies record the locomotive stationary and run it through all eight notches.  However locomotives sound different when under load or pulling a train.  At the end of this, Railpro may have some of the best sounds available on the market. 

Now the question is how will those source recordings be used.  A lot of the final product comes down to editing and how the software uses the sound.  Hopefully Tim is able to utilize these recordings to their full potential.

William Brillinger:

--- Quote ---The UA Turbos had the turbines running all the time.
--- End quote ---

I wonder if you recorded the original sounds from the Rapido Turbo Train how difficult it would be to operate it using custom sounds loaded into the LM?

I've never heard the Turbo, so I'm just spitting ideas here.


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