General > General Discussion

Another New Member


Hello from Ohio:   Thank you for letting me join this forum. I have been a Rail Pro user for about 2 years, and have been looking for a forum/ user group since even before I purchased the system. I stumbled across this forum while viewing an advertisement on an on-line magazine.

I model O scale traction. This system is the Bentley of model railroad systems. In my opinion, Tim Ring is a genius for developing Rail Pro. In the 80's I lived across the street from a field that was used by the model airplane group. I would watch as they controlled their planes using radio control throttles, and wondered why model trains could not be controlled in the same we can!

Since I am a traction modeler, I don't need a lot of the sound functions, but can use a few, like the bells, air compressor, rail squeal etc.  In the future, I will want to download different sounds, like the hum of traction motors as they accelerate/ decelerate.

I look forward to reading posts, and learning much more about the system.

Cincinnati, Ohio 

Greetings Mike 

 I have learned a lot from the fellows that are residing here. Their experiences was a big help and now there is no looking back for me. DCC was a pain to use and with RP, well you know the rest of the story.

 I used to have a great interest in traction especially with LA routes and many varieties of electric cars. Had quite a large collection of HO brass but sold it all off when I decided logging fit my desires as I like mountains with trees, bridges and the like.

 Happy training as it is electrifying or so to speak !

 Darryl in Ory-gun

Welcome aboard!


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