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Linking/Speed Matching

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William Brillinger:

--- Quote ---I will try resetting the motor stall, that is one thing I didn't play with.
--- End quote ---

The Stall Motor Metric is critical to the locomotives being able to match each others speed. This is the magic number that RP uses to base this function on. Not setting it will result in the locomotives not reacting properly to each other at all.

I look forward to hearing how your results change after this is set.

Drisdon, I have the same Atlas GP40-2 engine. The stall current on it is 320 mA. This seems to be a good setting for it as it speed matches well with other engines.

Joe, if this is any help to you, it is not necessary to set the direction of the locomotives prior to linking them. After you link them just press the MU=2 button and you can easily set the direction of all linked locomotives in that particular consist.

Antoine L.:
I had similar problems with locomotives from Kato and Athearn when mixed together. Check your installation. For me, a wire was touching a flywheel slightly enough to alter MU operation without me noticing when it was running alone. The "OK" loco was spinning at the "not OK" loco was struggling and feeling heavy.

Problem was immediately solved when I found out and made sure flywheels were free.


If your engines are new, some break-in time helps. Reset the current setting after they run for a while.

Thanks for all of your replies.  I reset the stall motor current in both locomotives.  The Atlas GP40-2 is 380 or 390 mA and the Proto 2000 GP30 was 400 mA.  Also I reset the other settings to default.  I linked the two together and they ran a little better, but the GP40-2 still starts moving (spinning) before the GP30.  The throttle will get to about 20-22% before the GP30 moves.  I then adjusted the starting voltage and that helped, but they still are not a perfect match.  I even tried uncoupling them to see when they would move.  One thought, the GP30 probably weighs almost 25% more than the GP40-2, would that matter?  Also the GP40-2 has sound and the GP30 does not, and with the sound off or on they still perform the same way. 

I've really been wanting to get these two to operate well together, and it's just been much more difficult than I thought it would be.

One other question, unrelated to this topic, how do you do manual notching and still control the train well?



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