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Software download issues

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I finally have time to download some software for my CI-1. I got on the RP site and attempted to download the CI-1 software, and it got as far as trying to load "" and locked up my new computer. BTW it's a Dell Inspiron w/ win 10. The only way I could get out of the hangup was to use the on button. I re-booted, got back to the page and tried again to download the CI-1 program, and this time Norton said that RailproHC simulatorinstaller is not safe and has been removed.

Anyone have any idea what's going on?  :(


William Brillinger:

If the link to the software goes anywhere other than "" then I suspect your PC may have a malware issue.

Shopify should not be involved.

Bill's right. Something odd going on. Be careful what you click on or install until you get this sorted out.

Interestingly, when I first downloaded RailPro Assistant, my virus software (Avast) flagged the download as unsafe. I double checked my actions and finally decided to give RP the benefit of the doubt. I temporarily disabled Avast and completed the download. It installed without issue and did not bring along with it anything naughty. Avast has no problem with RP Assistant running. I filed a exception report with Avast and also notified Tim Ring.

I downloaded the new 3.00 release version of RPA tonight. It was blocked by my firewall in Win10. I had to allow it to come through on a one time basis. I have had this happen before with other Ring software.


--- Quote from: William Brillinger on February 04, 2017, 04:21:22 PM ---Joseph, 

If the link to the software goes anywhere other than "" then I suspect your PC may have a malware issue.

Shopify should not be involved.

--- End quote ---

Bill it started out with ringengineering, then went to something else, then to the widget thing and that's where all progress stopped. The second time I tried it, the download took place, but norton wasn't happy about something in the program, and snatched it from my grasp.

I'll try it again tomorrow and tell norton to allow it and see what happens.

Thanks guys, Joe


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