RailPro > Finished RailPro Installation Examples

Installing a TCS KA3 in Athearn DCC Ready Genesis GP38-2 with a bridge rectifier

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I too was at the same session as Bill yesterday (Saturday). I arrived earlier than Bill so had more play time. While the DCC units were having some issues, I was running one KA equipped unit, with 2 non-KA equipped units. All played well together, but the KA-equipped one was the happiest. I eventually pulled one of the non-KA units - mostly due to a particularly finicky collections of turnouts that I had to traverse a gazillion times in my switching moves. The other two will be getting their KA's tomorrow if all goes according to plan.

After spending an hour and a half speed matching 2 Rapido GMD-1s on this layout the previous week (blarg...), I'm SOOOOO happy I made the decision to embrace RailPro, especially now that installing KAs is doable.

Now to get some 21 pin connectors to RailPro those GMD-1s...

Antoine L.:
I got my KA3 and bridge rectifier yesterday from Bill because I was intrigued about this so I bought one just to see. (I only have Lm-2S)
Installed everything in a P1K F3A.


It runs flawlessly. Like Bill said: Power interruption is now a thing of the past. I cannot believe why I did not do that simple modification before. It is amazing.



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