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Freeing up storage space

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--- Quote from: nodcc4me on August 03, 2017, 12:10:39 PM ---Pat, the product programs refer to the software version upgrades occasionally released by Ring...
--- End quote ---

Correct. These are basically the operating system of the devices if you want to think of them that way, and once downloaded into a HC-x or HC Sim they cannot be deleted. It's not a huge problem per se, They are smaller than I remembered and they aren't that big by themselves but if your downloaded all of them then you might loose several precent of storage space (I did actually download them all for a test, I'll see how much space you loose). More so you loose a slot to download something else. There is a maximum of 125 slots available in storage, which quite a few are lost to the HC-x and HC Sim programs themselves.

I ran my tests again and there is no doubling up of product programs in storage when you download a new revision, the second copy that's present is overwritten with whatever you download next.

More storage space would be handy. For the Handheld controller and other devices that possibly would require new hardware versions (not just putting a higher capacity memory chip on without changing anything else; Alan would know better than I, he's familiar with stuff like that) but there is no reason there can't be more storage space in HC Sim; it'd be trivial do at the programming stage. I did it afterwards and it wasn't that hard then.

- Tim

Thanks Tim,

Sounds like Ring is doing code replacement as opposed to patching. Replacement is just that, overwriting existing with the new while patching leaves the original code but redirects the buggy part to the new. With replacement, the code may or may not change in size, depending upon the bug being replaced. This is old school stuff. Neat, compact and clean. Just another reason to be impressed with RP.


Yeah, yeah. I know just enough to be a nuisance. Did some beta testing, and a little programming, in the 80's and early 90's, before the software companies turned it into a marketing scheme, and the major programs went over 100k lines of code.


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