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Wire gauge for LED lights

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Thanks for the info! That really gives me feel better about what I was using... 30 gauge.


--- Quote from: KPack on March 12, 2017, 08:53:34 PM ---I get my LEDs pre-wired from Evan Designs http://www.modeltrainsoftware.com/smd-chip-leds.html.  They are soldered to magnet wire and I have never had an issue.  I've used LEDs from another source with even smaller magnet wire (almost looked like hair) and have had no issues.  Magnet wire isn't the easiet to work with, but it saves a ton of space.


--- End quote ---

Thanks for the tip Kevin.  I am just getting started with all of this stuff - RailPro and LEDs, and appreciate your insight (along with others here in this user group).  What voltage would be appropriate for the Evans Design LED's for HO Athearn RTR locomotives?  I'm guessing the same would apply to other loco manufacturers like Scaletrains and Atlas?


LOL.  Never mind.  I found Bill's "Choosing LED's" thread.  Good stuff.



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