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Low cost locomotive control module?

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I also have a lot of locomotives that I would like to convert to RailPro. So I converted some my permanent consist. This is where RailPro really shines. As I can I will convert more locomotives as I can. And running RailPro and DCC at the same time on the same layout is no problem at all.
If you check this thread, you can see how I interfaced the RailPro controller to some NCE switch controllers so that they could controlled from DCC and RailPro.,261.0.html


Thanks for the input, guys. I'm working on a unit coal set and I think the load sharing would help with operating it. That may be the best place to start.


--- Quote from: rch on March 20, 2017, 12:11:00 AM ---I'm working on a unit coal set and I think the load sharing would help with operating it. That may be the best place to start.

--- End quote ---

I agree with this recommendation.  I started RailPro with a unit coal train.  I prefer using a pusher rather than double heading.  I have done both, but the pusher is more prototypical for my railroad.  I watched the couplers as the train went by, and I could see that the first 2/3 of the train was being pulled and the last third was being pushed.  Cool.


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