Originally posted by TS on the RailPro Users Yahoo! Group on Sep 29, 2015
Ok here you go Shawn,
Vigilance control performs a similar function to the dead man's handle.
Where as the dead man's handle required constantly applying some sort
of weight to a lever of some sort (hand of foot) vigilance control,
which is used here, makes sure your awake and in control of the train
by using a counter. Simplified, it work's like this:
Counter counts for X number of seconds.
At X number of seconds an alarm sounds.
At X + say 20 seconds if the cancel button has not been pressed shut
down and apply emergency brake.
At any time during the counting moving the brake or throttle (2
notches) resets the counter.
The above was for the driver, fireman had a flashing light before the
I think the above has been lacking somewhat in the model world, I
wouldn't like to think of the number of damaged models out there
attributed to a person not paying attention to their train, either by
yakking to someone else or by falling asleep.
Land of OZ