Both HCs turn on and show at least some charge after 9 months of being in the drawer!
9 months! You sure you haven't crammed some Nuclear fuel rods in there Alan?
While looking for one of my past posts where I typed out the batteries that were installed in my HC, I ran across an old thread on charging and noted this from RE.
If the HC is left off for a long period of time it looses about 10% of the charge per week. Even from a full charge if left unused for about 2.5 months it will be dead.
Now, I did some quick calculations using various calculators on the net and for 2.5 months (75 days / 1800 hours) an "off" HC with a 2500mAH batteries would be drawing about 1mA, roughly 1.4mAH. Not bad. For 9 months (269 days / 6456 hours) that figure drops to roughly 0.4 mA.
Now, there are other external factors which would change those figures, and it assumes the 3 batteries are all in series (there is a post here that suggests two are in series and one isn't but I have no proof of it).
Alan, I'm sure you can add a lot to or correct the above but it seems the HC is quite power efficient in the "off" mode.
- Tim