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Choosing LED's

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William Brillinger:

--- Quote ---(Bill referencing Evans). Doing so is a guarantee you will pay through the nose.
--- End quote ---

I also buy components from China. If I'm in a rush I try to find a US source.

The prewired LED's from Evans is another story: These being prewired is worth a lot to me, especially the really small ones.

Don't worry Alan, I wasn't coming at you or anything.  Just stating what I paid.  Resistors can be had super-cheap from basically anywhere.  The real cost savings from other vendors will be seen in other components like speakers.  I'll check around the list you provided and see if I can find my preferred speaker for cheaper than what I'm paying at Digikey.  I used up my last speaker and still have a few more locomotives that need them, so I'm on the hunt.

You will most definitely pay more when buying LEDs from Evan Designs than you will by ordering a large amount of LEDs and soldering the wires yourself.  I have no desire to solder the wires myself so I'm okay paying more to have someone else do it.  Not that I can't do it, because I'm certain that I could easily solder those magnet wires, but I just don't want to.  I'm learning as I get older (and I'm still fairly young) that sometimes it just makes life better to pay someone else to do something you really don't want to do.  It frees up more time to do what you really want....which in my case is weathering and running the trains.  I only put up with the rest of the soldering and installation of electronics because I have to.  ;)


Kevin, I get it. I think everyone does similar time management. I know I do.

Having played with electronics virtually all my life, soldering wire and components is so 2nd nature I don't think twice about it. It's a task I don't mind doing and with hundreds of thousands of solder joints under my belt, it is usually a very quick task. If I did not have those 40+ years of experience then I would likely want to spend my time elsewhere too. I don't think anyone can say with a straight face that soldering is fun.  :)


--- Quote from: KPack on August 01, 2017, 11:24:30 AM ---The real cost savings from other vendors will be seen in other components like speakers.  I'll check around the list you provided and see if I can find my preferred speaker for cheaper than what I'm paying at Digikey.  I used up my last speaker and still have a few more locomotives that need them, so I'm on the hunt.

--- End quote ---

Kevin, Let us (at least me) know if you find a better price on speakers. I've been trying different ones (mainly from DigiKey) and I'm still not happy with what little sound volume I get. If you got any ideas on that, I'm all ears.

Alan, I envy you. You can't imagine the amount of magnification it takes for some of us older guys to even see a pico-led, let alone solder on it. Flaunt it while ya got it... :)


Optovisors baby, Optovisors! You end up working 4" from your nose but the view is magnificent.


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