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New install issues

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William Brillinger:

--- Quote ---It's very rare for any of Ring's hardware to have problems.
--- End quote ---

True, but it does happen.
Another member recently had a bad screen. Ring took care of it quickly for him.


--- Quote ---Ring took care of it quickly for him.
--- End quote ---

Absolutely.  In the rare case that there is a problem Ring takes care of his customers.  Best customer service I've seen.


I used the cl1 and everything worked as it should except no matter how many times I saved, when I turned off the program and back on it lost all programming. So the HC-2 is bad. And all I had hooked up was the speaker, with other wires individually electrical taped over and all sounds were working well for 15 minutes...BUT then the temp warning came on and the damn LM3S literally melted down the outer case before I could get it off the track. The speaker is 8 ohms so no problem there and I double checked all wiring and it was all in place and no grounding anywhere. I have run this same diesel loco several times with no issues before. I put the DC plug back in and ran the loco again with DC power with no issues, especially no overheating of any kind. This has been a nightmare!

William Brillinger:
As far as I am aware, no decoder of any sort should be run without a motor load on it.

If the HC-Sim is not keeping it's settings, that is a sign of a permissions issue in the install.
Maybe Tim (the other Tim) will chime in here with instructions.

Maybe I wasn't clear. The decoder was plugged into the dcc ready 9 pin plug and I had set the maximum voltage for the loco using the test feature. I just didn't run it instead just worked with sounds because the shell was off. The only loose wires were the ones for lights.

--- Quote from: William Brillinger on September 09, 2017, 05:13:41 PM ---As far as I am aware, no decoder of any sort should be run without a motor load on it.

If the HC-Sim is not keeping it's settings, that is a sign of a permissions issue in the install.
Maybe Tim (the other Tim) will chime in here with instructions.

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