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New install issues

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William Brillinger:

--- Quote from: Blueleader on September 09, 2017, 05:27:15 PM ---Maybe I wasn't clear. The decoder was plugged into the dcc ready 9 pin plug and I had set the maximum voltage for the loco using the test feature. I just didn't run it instead just worked with sounds because the shell was off. The only loose wires were the ones for lights.
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Sorry, I misunderstood. Let me see if I've got this:

- The decoder was connected properly.
- The loco speed was set to zero.
- You tried the sounds for 15 minutes.
- The LM-3S melted.

I've never heard of an LM getting hot like that.
Can you post some photos of your setup and the LM?

I'm sorry to hear you're having so many issues with this.
I suggest you give Tim at Ring Engineering a call on Monday and see what can be done for you.

You got it. I did get the cl1 laptop hc software to save by starting the program as administrator. I had installed it as such but not ran it as admin.

--- Quote ---Sorry, I misunderstood. Let me see if I've got this:

- The decoder was connected properly.
- The loco speed was set to zero.
- You tried the sounds for 15 minutes.
- The LM-3S melted.

I've never heard of an LM getting hot like that.
Can you post some photos of your setup and the LM?

I'm sorry to hear you're having so many issues with this.
I suggest you give Tim at Ring Engineering a call on Monday and see what can be done for you.

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: William Brillinger on September 09, 2017, 05:13:41 PM ---If the HC-Sim is not keeping it's settings, that is a sign of a permissions issue in the install.
Maybe Tim (the other Tim) will chime in here with instructions.

--- End quote ---

HC Sim (or RPA for that matter) should not need to be run as administrator from memory. I wonder if it's somehow an old version or has not installed correctly. What Win version are you running on the laptop and what version of HC Sim?

For the LM-3S melting; that's an interesting one. Though RailPro has temperature detection it appears that does not equal over temperature protection! Here is a couple of things I would highly recommend you check before trying another LM.

* Check the output voltage of the PWR-56; make sure it matches the specified output voltage and is not higher.

* Check the loco's wiring and circuit board. I'm not too sure about 9 pin wired loco's but when everyone used 8 pin it certainly was possible to wire the loco incorrectly so it'd work on DC but blow up DCC decoders.

For the HC, check what internal software version your HC is running. Assuming you got a HC-2 (not 2b) I doubt it has the updated software version that'll allow it to see LM-3's, though it should still see PWR-56's.

- Tim


--- Quote from: G8B4Life on September 09, 2017, 08:49:03 PM ---
HC Sim (or RPA for that matter) should not need to be run as administrator from memory. I wonder if it's somehow an old version or has not installed correctly. What Win version are you running on the laptop and what version of HC Sim?
* Check the loco's wiring and circuit board. I'm not too sure about 9 pin wired loco's but when everyone used 8 pin it certainly was possible to wire the loco incorrectly so it'd work on DC but blow up DCC decoders.

- Tim

--- End quote ---


I have to run HC Sim (and Assistant) as an administrator on Win 10 (I hate Windows), and disable "virus" protection (another waste) to be able to communicate through the USB port with a CI-1. The responses I get from win-doze are different each time depending upon the mood it and the virus is in. But, that shouldn't apply to the HC-2s since they communicate directly and only pull data from Assistant, using the PC as an interface to the internet, at least that's how I understand it.

I don't know which "version" of Athearn Genesis he has but, I've got three SD70Ms. Two were DCC ready with 9-pin JSTs. There are a couple of wires that are "wrong" colors but, they still go to the correct locations. I simply pulled a 9-pin jumper board out, which he called the DC board, and plugged the LM-3S in. There is no 8-pin NMRA plug. Sound still has to come from the 6-pin on the other end of the LM-3S. The JSTs only plug in one direction, pretty fool-proof. (I still wish the yellow and white wires on the 6-pin were different colors)


(did I mention that I hate windows?)


This one isn't Genesis, I was thinking about my new NS SD75M #2800.
Thanks for the suggestions.
I upgraded all the software for the cl1 on my laptop running Win7Pro 64bit with all Microsoft updates loaded. I updated the HC via usb to my custom built Asus ROG PC to HC2 rev 1-30 and the PWR56 to Rev 1-10. No issues with software at this point. The cl1 found the PWR56 and then the LM3S right away and communicated with them. The HC never found anything with repeated attempts either before or after software upgrade..

The 9 pin plug will only go in one way due to alignments on the side of the plug. I pulled the LM3S and put the DC plug back in and the loco runs great just as before all this. The Athearn factory DCC ready board never got hot or even warm.

My tester died, leaking battery, so this on is on hold... tested the PWR56 output voltage at the track and it is...?

At this point I cannot find any reason for the meltdown. And the HC has to be faulty since the cl1 works as advertised.

--- Quote from: G8B4Life on September 09, 2017, 08:49:03 PM ---
--- Quote from: William Brillinger on September 09, 2017, 05:13:41 PM ---If the HC-Sim is not keeping it's settings, that is a sign of a permissions issue in the install.
Maybe Tim (the other Tim) will chime in here with instructions.

--- End quote ---

HC Sim (or RPA for that matter) should not need to be run as administrator from memory. I wonder if it's somehow an old version or has not installed correctly. What Win version are you running on the laptop and what version of HC Sim?

For the LM-3S melting; that's an interesting one. Though RailPro has temperature detection it appears that does not equal over temperature protection! Here is a couple of things I would highly recommend you check before trying another LM.

* Check the output voltage of the PWR-56; make sure it matches the specified output voltage and is not higher.

* Check the loco's wiring and circuit board. I'm not too sure about 9 pin wired loco's but when everyone used 8 pin it certainly was possible to wire the loco incorrectly so it'd work on DC but blow up DCC decoders.

For the HC, check what internal software version your HC is running. Assuming you got a HC-2 (not 2b) I doubt it has the updated software version that'll allow it to see LM-3's, though it should still see PWR-56's.

- Tim

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