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New install issues

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William Brillinger:
Note: I edited the photo size in the post above so the images could be fully seen without scrolling. (I set width=800)


--- Quote from: G8B4Life on September 12, 2017, 06:10:39 AM ---
--- Quote from: Alan on September 11, 2017, 08:42:03 PM ---It appears the case melted above the SMD tantalum capacitor (A337J). Tantalum caps get very hot when reversed biased or sometimes even explode.

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I had another thought tonight while resting my mind (read dozing) before checking back here, which I'll get to. Alan, the melting of the case is on the 6 pin end, not the 9 pin end where A337J is.  My theory is the audio amplifier was being over driven (too little speaker resistance?). Given that the melting of the case is exactly in line with the speaker wires on the 6 pin JST gives some credit to my theory. On the reverse side of the board, ACN E AL (10 pin IC  top right of picture of board underside) is the vicinity of where the heat was generated. The melt even has the same shape as ACN E AL.

- Tim

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Makes perfect sense and the evidence fits the crime. I feel like I just watched an episode of Monk.

Well I just tossed that speaker into the garbage to be safe, even though it tested at 8 ohms resistance. Thanks again for the input guys. Since I can't verify a specific issue through observation and/or vu meter I'm just going to put the loco on the shelf and run it only in DC. I cannot afford to burn up modules. I think I will start off with a much lower priced diesel GP9 or GP38 I have and wire it for RP and testing everything very carefully first. I contacted RP and got an RMA # for the HC-2. They suggested checking for and using the find product using password feature...Which I have tried already and besides I never set a password when I used the cl1.
I just shipped the kit back to Ring for the faulty HC-2 and that cost me $20 in shipping costs. DCC is looking better by the minute.

No amount of 'I've never had this problem' will make you feel better. But this is interesting as this is a rare anomaly with RE. I'm curious to see what the culprit is.

But don't think DCC doesn't have these problems as well. In fact, they have more. I've been involved in Free-mo for a decade now and there probably isn't a larger user of Digitrax equipment of which I've owned my fair share. I had two DB100a boosters die that I had to send both back for repair and once they were unsupported I had to cannibalize one to save the other. I had a hardware failure on a UR92 antenna and a memory and battery replacement issue on a DCS100. Just this weekend by buddies DT402D throttle had buttons 4-7 fail and it's going to head back to the shop. This recent Free-mo setup also had three locomotives die and one runway 'who is controlling my locomotive' while the owner grabbed his train moment.  And that's just what I saw in one day out of three. None of this stuff is perfect but I find RailPro to be far, far better.   

This is unfortunate and I'm curious to see what the final culprit is.


--- Quote from: TwinStar on September 12, 2017, 10:41:56 AM ---...
This is unfortunate and I'm curious to see what the final culprit is.

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As am I.


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